WEN 5662 Snow Blaster 18-inch Electric Snow Thrower Review

Is the WEN 5662 Snow Blaster a blast in the snow or is it an orange lemon? My review of this 18-inch, 13.5-amp corded electric snow thrower tries to answer a few questions about its assembly, weight, electric motor and snow throwing performance.

Do you need to assemble the WEN 5662 Snow Blaster?

It needs minimal work to attach the handle to the rest of the snow thrower. Nevertheless, you should probably check all knobs, nuts and screws to see if any of it needs tightening. You definitely do not want to lose a screw during your first trial run in the snow.

How much does the WEN 5662 Snow Blaster weigh?

It weighs only 39 pounds because it is mostly made from plastic. An average person would be able to carry it by grabbing the carrying handle. The lightweight design also makes it easy to push around. However, handle it with care because plastic is not as strong as steel.

How big is its electric motor?

The WEN 5662 Snow Blaster has a 13.5-amp electric motor. It is a corded electric snow thrower. Therefore, make sure that you have a long extension cord that is suitable for outdoor use in cold weather. Also, there should be an electrical outlet available near the driveway or deck area that you want to clean.

The 13.5-amp motor generates a surprising amount of torque for spinning the auger blade. However, make sure that you use at least a 14/3 cold weather extension cord that is rated for 13 amps so that the electric motor gets enough power (view cord at Amazon).

If you do not use a cord that is thick enough, then the motor might overheat and burn out. Then you will have to contact the WEN company to obtain a replacement electric motor. It seems like WEN products have a two-year warranty with a nationwide support network.

I recommend you get a 12 AWG cord if you need a 100-foot cold weather extension cord. The longer the extension cord, the thicker the wire gauge.

How do you prevent the cord from unplugging by accident?

The snow thrower has an extension cord wrangler. It is a simple plastic device through which you can loop the electric cord. This prevents the extension cord from unplugging from the appliance cord receptacle if it is accidentally stretched too far.

You can always go cordless and consider getting a Snow Joe iON18SB cordless snow thrower, but you will have to pay a lot more. You can read my Snow Joe iON18SB review to learn more about it.

What material is used for the auger blade?

The auger blade is made from plastic, so do not force the blade into hard, icy snow. The blade will perform well with light, dry snow. The plastic auger blade is probably safe to use on wood patios and decks. The blade will not cut the wood. However, avoid using it on gravel surfaces.

How do you adjust the chute?

The direction of the chute can be rotated 180 degrees from left to right with the chute rotation crank. However, you need to adjust the throwing angle by hand. You have to press the angle-adjustment lever and set your preferred throwing angle.

The chute will get clogged if the snow is wet and slushy. Someone suggested that spraying the chute with non-stick cooking spray will keep the wet snow throwing freely. Nevertheless, most snow blowers will get clogged if the snow is slushy.

How many inches of snow can it throw?

The WEN 5662 Snow Blaster has an intake height of 7.8 inches. What snow depth can it handle comfortably without having to strain? I suspect it will perform at its best when the snow is light and dry and not more than 6 inches deep.

This corded electric snow thrower can clear a path that is 18 inches wide. Its specifications state that it can move up to 490 pounds of snow per minute. The chute might throw dry snow up to 20 feet away. However, wet snow will only fall a few feet away and will eventually clog up the chute. Now, where did I leave that chute cleaning tool and can of cooking spray?

Is the 5662 Snow Blaster big enough for my driveway?

This is a 13.5-amp corded electric snow thrower with a single stage and an 18-inch clearing width. It might be powerful enough to clear a small paved driveway with a single garage. It is too small to clear large driveways because you would have to do too many passes.

Does the WEN 5662 Snow Blaster have wheels?

The snow thrower has two plastic never-flat wheels that are only six inches in diameter. Plastic wheels might not be the best option for snowy conditions. Larger wheels might have been better, but the WEN 5662 Snow Blaster is neither big nor heavy to move. Nevertheless, the wheels provide some basic traction for rolling it around on a relatively smooth surface. It is not difficult to push forward.

WEN 5662 Snow Blaster: Conclusion

The WEN 5662 Snow Blaster will blast through light snow, but wet snow will clog its auger blades and chute. If your area gets heavy snowfalls that are regularly more than 10 inches deep, then this snow thrower is definitely not big or powerful enough to keep your driveway clean.

The best thing about the WEN 5662 Snow Blaster is its low price. It is slightly cheaper than a Snow Joe SJ620 corded electric snow thrower, but it provides similar performance.